As a marketer, you may know what a Non-Fungible Token is but might be struggling with developing one for your brand. In his recent article on, Zein Chamas discusses how and why brands can use NFTs for marketing. He states the various ways in which marketers can use NFTs like raising brand awareness, building customer loyalty and satisfaction, and most importantly, engaging their audience in many new ways.
Chamas mentions that rather than being a marketing tool that leads to revenue, NFTs are increasingly becoming one that generates revenue. This is because it is not just sellable but also marketable. One of the ways marketers can generate NFTs is to think about one aspect of their brand that their customers value the most and will be willing to pay for to collect the unique value it offers.
Further, he lists down the social media platforms that can be used to connect with the right community and promote your very own NFT. Chamas also talks about various tools that can help brands and marketers that are just starting in this space with limited or no technical knowledge.